A New York Post story points out the OWS protesters' woes with thieves among them. Some of stolen items are oddly ironic for a group protesting capitalism and, by extension, materialism: a $5,500 Mac and $2,500 in cash!
Here is the irony that I see: The protesters are supposedly protesting against greed of Wall Street bankers, the rich, and corporations, yet not only some of them possess far more than one would expect such warriors for social justice to possess, but they actually get mad about their goodies being stolen - as if what they are promoting is not stealing from those who have earned their worldly wealth.
Oh well, if it was not for hypocrisy, the left would not exist.
I busted a gut laughing over that news today. I'm glad that I wasn't driving at the time.
WTF are they moaning about? Their stuff is being redistributed like they want to do to others? Maybe they can ask the cops they spit on for help....
It is funny, but you are a little bit unfair. The OWS gang are a motley crew, and don't stand for any particular thing other than being upset with the current state of affairs.
From my own point of view, I'm perfectly comfortable with the idea of someone working hard, perhaps taking a few well calculated risks and earning their reward. On the other hand, most of Wall Street have made their money by outright corruption (having friends inside government) and by brinkmanship and shakedown tactics (threatening to bring down the financial system if they don't get their bailouts), and by sneaky deception (selling mortgage securities to one party while making bets that those same securities would collapse).
Somehow it is hard to accept that Wall Street really have earned the wealth that they are currently sitting on, whereas the guy with the laptop, maybe he did work for it.
The real problem with our whole system is that it has become so distorted and messed up that no one really knows what is real anymore. The rule of law is tenuous, the criminals are doing better than most legit businesses, most of what you hear in the media is a crock, and the only answer the government can come up with is printing more money, creating more debt and yet another round of handouts for the broken financial industry.
I think the OWS crowd have a genuine grievance. Not very clever about coming up with solutions, but coming up with solutions is hard work, whining about the problems is relatively easy.
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