"The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants" - Albert Camus

Friday, October 8, 2010

Another Obamacare/Union Outrage

I know, it is getting tiresome reading all these stories about outrages of the day (or should I say hour), but I feel it is my duty to convey at least the more outrageous stories.  Here is the latest:

The United Federation of Teachers, the New York City branch of the American Federation of Teachers, which pushed ardently for ObamaCare has now requested – and received – a waiver from its mandates.

The UFT is a member of New York State United Teachers (NYSUT). In September 2009, the NYSUT’s website published “Health care reform: facts vs. myths.” Here’s an excerpt:

Myth: Health care reform will force you out of your current insurance plan or force you to change doctors.

Fact: You can keep your existing insurance; reform will expand your medical options, not eliminate them.

ObamaCare was such a great idea at the time - the AFT gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to Healthcare for America Now, the leading organization pushing for the government takeover of health care.

It was announced Thursday that the UFT has requested and received an Obamacare-waiver after it discovered their members would end up losing their health insurance plans. Uh oh.

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